Friday, June 22, 2012

Self-Publishing Craze

Is self-publishing a craze? Is it worth it? Do you think you have any chance going the traditional route? Let me know?

See The Killzone 6/22/2012:

Many new writers (wannabies) view self-publishing as their only shot. Obviously, readers are voraciously pouring over the slag heap searching for stories. and they love reviewing and commenting on those stories and characters. I see people reading all over the place - devouring all sorts of stories. These readers are the gatekeepers.

Being a writer is a dream for many folks. They shlep the same worn manuscript from conference to conference, and drone on forever when given a chance to read their stuff. Only the text never changes. That's their fictive dream. Sad as it is, they're welcome to it. Their foolishness doesn't diminish me or my desire to write on bit.

And is that guy in Brentwood sill our there selling the "poem of the day" at the intersection of San Vicente and Bundy?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think self-publishing is a craze. Technology opened the gates for people who want to share a story. Unfortunately, many of these people who want to tell a story, aren't concerned with how that story looks, and that lowers the credibility for all self-publishers.

    I've self-published and I'll probably go that route again. Anyone with a great story and decent writing has a chance at traditional, but I don't see myself going that way in the future. I love the control and satisfaction of producing my books in the way I want them done.

    Keep at it!
